On 27 April 2024, the Workers Solidarity Federation, the Pakistan affiliate of the IWA, held its first Congress in Karachi.

18 delegates from across the country were in attendance. The Aims, Principles and Statutes of the WSF were re-affirmed.

WSF was founded as Workers Solidarity Initiative in May 2020 initially by anarchist comrades from Peshawar, Karachi and Lahore and quickly grew with small branches established in other cities. The WSF were admitted to the IWA as a the Pakistan affiliate at the 28th Congress held in Alcoy, Spain in December 2022.

Here is a brief report;

*Congress started with a revolutionary song sung by our beloved anarchist poet Nadeem Sibtain.

*Gul Muhammad Mangi presented two years performance report regarding activities carried out by Workers Solidarity Federation (WSF) Pakistan @ Karachi. He told to the delagates that WSF is the friend member of International Workers Association (IWA) since 2022, started it's activities from 2021 and held a protest demonstration in the support of Indian peasants. He told that another significant event was to celeberate the death anniversary of Bhagat Singh and Hemon Kalani @ Karachi Press Club. WSF celeberated the "Paris Commune" first time in Karachi. Also death anniversary of late Zubair Rahman was held at Chotta gate and YMCA hall, Karachi.

*William Sadiq made a presentation regarding the philosophy of "Anarchism" and he briefly spoke on "May Day" and recounted the anarchist struggle in 1886 in Anerica and told that Hay Market incident much influenced on the history of labor movement.

*Veteran Anarchist Mohammad Mazahir briefly stated the Anarchist movement and told that whole funding of the War of Independet of 1857 was borne by the women who were allegedly called "prostitutes". He told the delagates that without women folk there will be no Anarchy and he is happy to see the participation of women.in the congress.

*Nuzhat Ara told that she is Ph.D in scientic communism from state University, Balgharia but left Marxism when she felt that it is a Utopia and a shape of Capitalism.

*The only message for the congress received from Momin Khan Momin a veteran Anarchist was read out by Gul Muhammad Mangi in which he showed solidarity with the Anarcho Syndicalists and hoped it will prove a great footstep towards the Anarchist current. He said that it is success for the cause of Anarchism and he also have had congratulaions to the participants and all Anarchists affiliated with WSF.

*Naeem.Shaikh, Nadeem Sibtain and other delagates also spoke on the occasion, made their contribution and submmitted their suggestions.

*A 12 point resolution was presented before the participants/delegates of Congress for approval demanding;

1) All the workers/labores may be paid at least 50,000 rupees per month but sadly they are not being paid even the payment announced officially i.e Rs.35000 which is a condemnable act and a criminal offence on the part of capitalists and owners.

2) Trans genders be treated as human being and same rights may be allowed/granted to them.

3) Forced conversion of minor girls of other religions may be abandoned/stopped and safe release/recovery of 7 year old hindu girl Pria Kumari may be ensured and kinapees may be taken on the task.

4) The people must be provided all basic rights including health, education and freedom of expression.

5) Defamation Law may be eliminated and objective resolution may be exluded from the constitution.

6) All missing persons may be released without further delay state opperession may be stoped.

7) The Peasants and growers may be paid as announced by the state i.e Rs.3900 per 40 KG of their wheat and do not be left on the state of sorrow upon the private sector and looters.

8) All wars including Russia-Ukerain and Israel-Hamas war may be stopped so that the people live in peaceful atmosohere.

9) The role of Establishment and Army in Pakistan may be ended in the formation of rulers/ruling class. Even we don' think that there is much need of law enforcement agencies.

10) Global warming which is a production of Capitalist Class may overcome for the sake of humanity and provision of better environment may be dclared basic right of all human beings and mother earth.

11) Equal basic needs including health and education must be insured every where including cities and villages.

12) To develop the agriculture and industrialization all steps may be taken and the control to be given to the peasants and workers.

At last the slogans of Viva La Revolution and Viva La Commune were raised.

by Comrade Lewan